Faq & Answers

Fault phenomenonFault causeSolution
Ejector leakageDust inside the ejectorSingle test of the Particular
Ejector has been damagedReplace ejector
Ejector fails to operate.Poor contact between the plug behind ejector
and the socket
Re-plug, repair the poor contact position
Disconnection occurred to the valve coreReplace the ejector
Colour Ejectorboard has been damagedReplace colour ejector board
Ejector with small spray volumeDust inside the ejectorSingle high frequency test of the ejector
Low air pressureCheck pressure gauge and relevant air circuit
Material flyingBig difference in temperature between the material and the material chuteAdjust temperature of the chute to approximate that of the material.
Dust agglomerationClean the chute with soft cloth
Chute with scratchSand papering or replace it
Frequent operation for solenoid valveWrong ejectorCorrectly select sort mode
Position of background plate not properly setReadjust background plate
No colour separationLow sensitivityReadjust sensitivity
haven't been power onPower on the solenoid valve power supply
Poor Colour Separation EffectDust on the sorting glassRemove dust manually or by soft cloth
Incomplete for the colour sorterCheck or replace rubber strip
Poor Separation Effect of Complete Machine SideIncomplete or poor ash removing for the rodless cylinderAdjust ash wiper and the ash wiping speed
Colour sorter stops working frequentlyHigh sensitivityReadjust the sensitivity
Improper adjustment of background plateReadjust the background plate
Raw material with high quantity of impurityReduce the yield
Colour sorter is under pressureCheck pressure; readjust if the gas circuit is too far away from the sorter
Frequent pressure protectionClean and open the pipeline by cleaning or replacing the filter element
Motor three-phase winding is damagedReplace the motor
A.C. contactor damaged or poor contactMaintain or replace A.C. Contactor
Thermorelay damaged or poor contactMaintain or replace thermorelay
380V power supply phase shortageMaintain charging line
Three-phase voltage imbalanceAdjust transformer to achieve three-phase voltage
Control switch circuit damaged or with
Check the control switch and circuit
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